Research Pavilion #3: Research Ecologies, Venice, Italy

Traces from the Anthropocene: Working with Soil 

research assistant, audience engagement designer, exhibition team

More info | researchcatalogue

Empirica research group website

Traces from the Anthropocene: Working with Soil ( 人類世的痕跡:與土壤合作 ) 是一項團隊藝術研究,此專題匯集了一群陶瓷藝術家及設計師一同探索威尼斯的生態議題,著重於潟湖地區的土壤。首先,藝術團隊在當地環境中收集土壤和沈積物樣本並仔細分析其重金屬含量。隨後再利用陶瓷創作的過程進行在地媒材實驗。藝術創作的過程中使用威尼斯當地的磚制粘土製成大型容器,然後塗上由土壤樣本製成的泥料。這項工作探索了土壤中不斷發生的變化,並提出了有關人類活動對土壤及其生態系統的影響的問題。


Traces from the Anthropocene. Working with Soil is a multidisciplinary research project that addresses the ecological consequences of human footprint through ceramic art. The project took place before and during the Research Pavilion in the context of the Venice Biennale 2019, the world’s best-known contemporary art event. As ceramists traditionally work with local earth, the research is situated in the local environment of the Biennale, the Venice lagoon area.

During the process, local soil was gathered and then analyzed for anthropogenic contaminants. Local brick clay was used to create large ceramic forms, and finally, the analyzed, contaminated soil was used to paint the ceramic vessels. In this project, craft making is understood as a philosophical space to think through the ethical and ecological concerns related to the stage of the environment.
— Empirica Research Group

Living research laboratory at the Research Pavilion #3, Venice, Italy


Story Coiling in the Earth Laboratory

這個名為 Story Coiling(故事盤繞)的工作營是一個進行中 且不停歇的觀眾互動工作站,也是人類世的痕跡與土壤合作研究項目的一部分,由設計師陳子榆設計規劃和執行。

在陶瓷創作中,從技術上講,盤繞是指將材料逐層添加以作 為建構形式的一種方式。 通過將手和心靈與材料進行調和,粘土的可塑性能夠通過其記憶記錄所有的運動和內在的思想。作為共同創造的實踐,我們邀請參與者與威尼斯當地磚廠所提供的粘土互動,並在盤繞時分享他們的想法。通過集體建造陶瓷容器,我們鼓勵觀眾使用當地的材料並分享他們的對於瀉湖生態的想法,以圍繞人類與當地環境之間糾纏的關係進行對話。

The concept of the project Story Coiling was developed in June of 2019 and has been implemented in July and August while the Working with Soil research cell activated. 

Engaging audiences with local clay

This interactive workstation was set alongside the exhibition, which displayed the evolving research process with live performances of artists. 

In ceramics making "coiling" means to add materials layer by layer as a way to form. Through that, we aims to encourage audiences to join coiling, sharing their ideas and thoughts that arouse in mind while visiting the exhibition. This idea has been integrated with the audience engagement that was planned by collaborators Dena Bagi and Helen Felcey. Our message of this engagement is to inspire our visitors to be curious about the surrounding world, which was the local environment of Venice. From there, connecting to the research of the soil contamination and more in-dept ecological concerns that related to the environment we are part of.

Through the engagement with local material and the rich stories that presented by the research team, we have provided a unique experience to our audiences: A place to explore and physically to encounter different features of Venice, which profoundly connected to its history, human activities and the traces that perform such intertwined relationship of humans and non-humans.

Our visitors were invited to share their reflections on the exhibition and working with the local brick clay. While visitors were doing their making, they also see the artists working next to them. 

Helsinki Design Week | Designs for a Cooler Planet

DISCOURSIVE EVENT in Beta Space gallery

Traces from Anthropocene: Working with Soil

09/10 – 09/30 2019

Aalto University, Beta Space, Otakaari 1 X


Project team

Maarit Mäkelä, project leader | Empirica leader, Aalto University

Riikka Latva-Somppi, artist-researcher, curator | Empirica member, Aalto University

Priska Falin, artist-researcher | Empirica member, Aalto University

Catharina Kajander, artist | Aalto University alumni

Ozgu Gundeslioglu, visiting artist-researcher | Akdeniz University, Turkey

Jussi Reinikainen, senior research scientist | The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE

Tzuyu Chen, research assistant, audience engagement designer | Aalto University

Pauliina Purhonen, research assistant | Aalto University

Hanna Kutvonen,exhibition assistant | Aalto University

Dena Bagi, researcher, collaborative partner in audience engagement | University of Sunderland, UK

Helen Felcey, artist, collaborative partner in audience engagement | UK


Finnish Environment Institute SYKE

SanMarco – Terreal

University of the Arts Helsinki

Research Pavilion #3

University of Sunderland