陳 子 榆

Tzuyu Chen

合作邀約敬請聯繫 elmoonstudio@gmail.com




2018-2020 Master of Arts in Contemporary Design, Aalto University, Finland

2013-2017 Bachelor of Arts in Crafts and Design, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan


Project Researcher | Department of Design, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, August 2020- January 2021

Designer-artist | Soil Laboratory, Designmuseo, Helsinki, Finland, 2020-2021 

Research assistant, audience engagement designer | Traces from the Anthropocene: Working with Soil, Empirica research group, Aalto University, Venice, Italy and Helsinki, Finland, 2019

Workshop Designer and Facilitator |Critical Tide, Design Evening - Interspecies Citizenship, Designmuseo, Helsinki, Finland, 2019

Workshop Designer and Facilitator |ClimATE Exhibition - Seaweed Kitchen: Future Snacks workshop with children, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 2019

Graphic designer |National Taiwan University of Arts, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Ceramics Art Handbook 1-3, New Taipei, Taiwan, 2016-2018

Ceramics Design Internship | Acera Company, Shandong, China, 2016


The Dream of Craft-Taiwan craft competition - Third Prize in Innovation and Design category, 2017

Crafts & Design Department Undergraduate Degree Show - Third Place in Creative Craft Group, 2017

Crafts & Design Department Annual Design Competition - Second Place, 2016


Artist Working Grant,Taiteen edistämiskeskus Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), 2020

International Art Exchange Grant for Soil Matters-Earth Lab, National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan, 2020

Department of Design Express Grant, Aalto University, Finland, 2019


The tide of the soul | Permanent Collection National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, 2017

學 歷

2018-2020 當代設計藝術碩士,阿爾托大學,芬蘭 

2013-2017 工藝設計藝術學士, 國立臺灣藝術大學,台灣

經 歷


設計師-藝術家 |土壤之要-人土實驗室,芬蘭設計博物館,2020-2021

研究助理/觀眾參與設計師 |人類世的痕跡:與土共事, Empirica 研究團隊,阿爾托大學,義大利威尼斯及芬蘭赫爾辛基,2019

工作營設計師 |Critical Tide 設計之夜- Interspecies Citizenship 工作營,芬蘭設計博物館 ,2019

工作營設計師 |ClimATE 展覽-Seaweed Kitchen:Future Snacks workshop with children 工作營,芬蘭阿爾托大學,2019

平面設計師 |國立臺灣藝術大學磨課師教學計劃-陶藝筆記1-3, 台灣,2016-2018

陶瓷設計實習 |乾唐軒 ,中國山東,2016

獲 獎


國立台灣藝術大學106 級畢業展創作組-第三名,2017


獎 學 金&補 助


國家藝術文化基金會-第三期國際藝術文化交流 芬蘭設計博物館 Soil Matters-Earth Lab人土實驗室駐場計畫,2020


典 藏

靈魂的浪潮 |國立台灣工藝研究發展中心永久收藏,2017

展 覽


2022-2023 台灣工藝演譯28+ – Taiwan Craft Stage 28+ Special Exhibition, Taipei/Taichung/Tainan, Taiwan

2021 SOLID GROUND – Kantava maa Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland

2020-2021 Soil Matters Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland

2019 ClimATE Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland

2019 Coexistence exhibition Student Day - Ongoing Work Stations, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland

2019 Designs for a Cooler Planet, Traces from the Anthropocene: Working with Soil, Helsinki Design Week, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

2019 Research Pavilion #3: Research Ecologies, Venice Biennale 58th, Traces from the Anthropocene: Working with Soil, Venice, Italy

2018-2019 Fragile Waters Exhibition, Helsinki Airport, Finland

2017-2018 工藝之夢- 台灣工藝競賽 Taiwan craft competition - The Dream of Craft exhibition Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store Taipei, Taichung and Tainan, Taiwan

2017 器栩皿巧- 台灣陶藝協會當代器皿展 Contemporary Utensils, Sophistication and Craftsmanship Special Exhibition of Taiwan Ceramic Society, Taipei, Taiwan

2017 朝夕浮游- 陳子榆、楊舒雯雙個展 Today For You - Tzuyu Chen Solo Exhibition, New Taipei, Taiwan

2017 國立臺灣藝術大學工藝設計學系106 級畢業展 Department of Crafts and Design 106 graduation exhibition, National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei, Taiwan

2016 第九屆廈門文化博覽會, The 9th Xiamen Culture Expo Xiamen, China