
The project titled 'Interspecies citizenship' explores what it would mean to include non-human species as citizens within our communities. We aim to challenge the current commodity mindset towards non-human stakeholders in coastal environments by generating a dialogue around them as co-inhabitants.

How to use the speculative design to go beyond the speculation and generated actionable change?

Interspecies Citizenship


Aino Tuovinen

Tzuyu Chen

- Co-inhabitation in practice Lesson -



Co-inhabitation in practice Lesson

Etelä-Tapiola Upper Secondary School

- Drop-in workshop-Dead Zone Café -

A drop-in workshop for co-designing the future of work in Helsinki. What kinds of new job opportunities could be created for humans if oysters were granted their own rights?


Drop-in workshop

Brygga, floor 1+

Helsinki Central Library Oodi

- Speculative Jobs Role Play workshop -

A pop up “job centre” invites participants to imagine, explore, and act out speculative jobs in the context of co-inhabitation. What would it mean to get paid for interspecies care? The role play will take place in an alternative society where biodiversity is the currency. The workshop aims to enable citizens within coastal communities to take action in the age of climate crisis.


Speculative Jobs Role Play workshop

Design Evening | Critical Tide

Design Museum


Envision opportunities to transform the way we relate to non-human species through the topic of ‘work’.

To open up an expanded practice of critical design in a museum context through public interaction.

Move beyond speculative futures and towards actionable experiments.

“Parallel realities”

Clashing speculative futures with the real world

- Pop up studio ! -


Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma

Student Day |Ongoing Work Stations 

Kiasma’s lobby