Photos: Tzuyu Chen
The Painting with Soil Design Workshop invites participants to engage with local soil materials. In the workshop, participants can learn how different minerals and metals in the local soil affect its colour. Why do different soils have different colours? The workshop encourages people to reflect on their own relationship with soil by experiencing the materiality of the local soil. Soil samples from different localities of Finland were made into paint materials, local red clay from Somero was provided to the workshop participants as canvases.
The concept of the workshop draws on ceramic artist Maarit Mäkelä’s artistic practice and is designed and facilitated by designer Tzuyu Chen. The workshop is part of the Soil Matters exhibition’s program that explores how soil and its changes are intertwined with human activity.
Painting with Soil 與土繪畫工作坊邀請民眾使用芬蘭當地的土壤材料進行繪畫。 在此系列工作營中,參與者 可以了解當地土壤中不同的礦物質和金屬如何影響其顏色。 為什麼不同的土壤具有不同的顏色? 工作營鼓勵人們透過體驗當地土壤的物質性來反思自己與土壤的關係。來自芬蘭不同地區的土壤樣品被製成繪畫材料,並提供來自芬蘭 Somero 的當地紅粘土作為繪畫陶板。
研討會的概念借鑒了陶瓷藝術家 Maarit Mäkelä 的藝術實踐,並由藝術家陳子榆設計和講授。 與土壤繪畫工作坊是“Soil Matters”展覽計劃的一部分,該計劃探討了土壤及其變化如何與人類活動交織在一起。